1. How to Date a Flying Mexican by Daniel A. Olivas
  2. Big Head Theory by Patrick O’Neil
  3. Game Five by Pete Hsu
  4. The Good Mr. Finn by Jervey Tervalon
  5. Three Poems by Teresa Mei Chuc
  1. A Read on The Rebellion by Jervey Tervalon
  2. IMMIGRATION & TRANSFORMATION: My Literary Metamorphosis by Reyna Grande
  3. Miss Lorraine and her Fireball by Maya Johnson
  4. Soldiers by Scott O’Connor
  5. Wordsmith by Tina Pasadena
  1. Destructive Engagement by Gary D. Phillips
  2. Two Days by Aimee Bender

Note: Locavore Lit’s Issue 7 was a limited number of stories due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Blue Plaid by Janine Lim
  3. Botellas y Latas (Siempre Hay Esperanza) by Andrés Guzmán
  4. The Dancer by Asha Parekh
  5. Diversion Therapy by Jervey Tervalon
  6. Drag by Kate Kesner
  7. Forecast Bleak Sophie Marie
  8. Haze by Angelina Coppola
  9. Once, in the Macnuts by Emma Demorest
  10. The Home for Emotional Orphans and Unappealing Children by Vivian McInerny
  11. Three Poems by Jamila Osman
  1. A Walk Through Memories by Ximena Salas
  2. An Occurrence at the International Space Station by Erica Goodwin
  3. Born By the River: Richard Wright, Barack Obama and “Chi-Raq” by Keenan Norris
  4. Entwined Notions by Veda Stamps
  5. Hail Holy Queen by Sofia Leggio
  6. In Transit by Marie Joyce Artap
  7. Poems by Candace Pearson
  8. Stray Dogs by Angelica Lai
  9. Suburban Gopher Wars or How I Learned to Be Weak by Rosalind Helfand
  10. The Ancient Flocks of Wilson Street by Bill Cushing
  11. West Coast Gumbo by Jervey Tervalon
  1. Adebowale on the Yangtze River by Kosiso Ugwueze
  2. Creases by Chiwan Choi
  3. Jumping by Kosiso Ugwueze
  4. Mrs. McKay and the Dead Pony by Mary Lea Carroll
  5. Nuevo Mexico Profundo by Rebecca Gonzales
  6. The Lotus of the Muddy Waters by Ivy Kuo
  7. These Are My Children by Angelina Coppola
  8. Vine a Los Angeles by Adolfo Guzman-Lopez
  9. Women in the House of God by Jamila Osman
  1. +Friday+ by Keenan Norris
  2. 1181 Durfee Avenue: 1983 to 1986 by Michael Jaime­ Becerra
  3. Burners by Bronwyn Mauldin
  4. Folsom Alley by Rebecca Gonzales
  5. Kicks by Janet Fitch
  6. Nopalitos by Conrad Romo
  7. Poems by Yvonne M. Estrada
  8. Room by Elsa Valmidiano
  9. The Brooklyn Tolstoy by Doug Benerofe
  10. The Dog Who Solved a Murder Mystery: A True Story by Joel Jacobsen
  1. (Willamena, She Ain’t Trippin’….) by Tim Stiles
  2. Belize by Miranda Morgan
  3. Essay for My Son by Robert Schilling Schick
  4. Love Will Make You Naked by Jervey Tervalon
  5. Love, Dove by Eva Huang
  6. Norm, Alive and Well by Andrew Ramirez
  7. N.W.A: A Hard Act to Follow by Jonathan Gold
  8. Roadkill by Lainnie Capouya
  9. Son2Mother by Kevin Powell
  10. Street Trash: Poems by Celeste Gonzalez
  11. The Juggler by Cheryl Klein
  12. The Thing On Treufel’s Arm by Andrew Nicholls
  13. You Remember Everything That Happened by Tyra Lyn
  1. Aqua Girl by Yxta Maya Murray
  2. Blue Like Me: On Race And Depression by Erin Aubry Kaplan
  3. Crew by Aimee Bender
  4. Cross-border Vignettes: A Common Neuroscience by Jean Guerrero
  5. Crossings by Leonard Chang
  6. Dida’s Dad by Lisa Teasley
  7. For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn by Susan Straight
  8. Foshay In The Bad Days by Jervey Tervalon
  9. Gade Deye by Kia Penso
  10. Haiku IV: Poems by Benin Williams Lemus
  11. Just Surviving Another Day by Detrice Jones
  12. Man Bites Prawn: A Koreatown Seafood Adventure by Jonathan Gold
  13. Miss Chihuahua by Montserrat Fontes
  14. Miss Johnson Comes To Dinner by Pat Alderete
  15. Our Bibles by Bob Blaisdell
  16. Riot Baby by Daniel Voll
  17. Sportin’ Men by Gary Phillips
  18. The Butt by Erin Aubry Kaplan
  19. The Voice by Kia Penso
  20. Uncle Sonny by Andrew Ramirez