
- How to Date a Flying Mexican by Daniel A. Olivas
- Big Head Theory by Patrick O’Neil
- Game Five by Pete Hsu
- The Good Mr. Finn by Jervey Tervalon
- Three Poems by Teresa Mei Chuc

- A Read on The Rebellion by Jervey Tervalon
- IMMIGRATION & TRANSFORMATION: My Literary Metamorphosis by Reyna Grande
- Miss Lorraine and her Fireball by Maya Johnson
- Soldiers by Scott O’Connor
- Wordsmith by Tina Pasadena

- Destructive Engagement by Gary D. Phillips
- Two Days by Aimee Bender
Note: Locavore Lit’s Issue 7 was a limited number of stories due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Blue Plaid by Janine Lim
- Botellas y Latas (Siempre Hay Esperanza) by Andrés Guzmán
- The Dancer by Asha Parekh
- Diversion Therapy by Jervey Tervalon
- Drag by Kate Kesner
- Forecast Bleak Sophie Marie
- Haze by Angelina Coppola
- Once, in the Macnuts by Emma Demorest
- The Home for Emotional Orphans and Unappealing Children by Vivian McInerny
- Three Poems by Jamila Osman

- A Walk Through Memories by Ximena Salas
- An Occurrence at the International Space Station by Erica Goodwin
- Born By the River: Richard Wright, Barack Obama and “Chi-Raq” by Keenan Norris
- Entwined Notions by Veda Stamps
- Hail Holy Queen by Sofia Leggio
- In Transit by Marie Joyce Artap
- Poems by Candace Pearson
- Stray Dogs by Angelica Lai
- Suburban Gopher Wars or How I Learned to Be Weak by Rosalind Helfand
- The Ancient Flocks of Wilson Street by Bill Cushing
- West Coast Gumbo by Jervey Tervalon

- Adebowale on the Yangtze River by Kosiso Ugwueze
- Creases by Chiwan Choi
- Jumping by Kosiso Ugwueze
- Mrs. McKay and the Dead Pony by Mary Lea Carroll
- Nuevo Mexico Profundo by Rebecca Gonzales
- The Lotus of the Muddy Waters by Ivy Kuo
- These Are My Children by Angelina Coppola
- Vine a Los Angeles by Adolfo Guzman-Lopez
- Women in the House of God by Jamila Osman

- +Friday+ by Keenan Norris
- 1181 Durfee Avenue: 1983 to 1986 by Michael Jaime Becerra
- Burners by Bronwyn Mauldin
- Folsom Alley by Rebecca Gonzales
- Kicks by Janet Fitch
- Nopalitos by Conrad Romo
- Poems by Yvonne M. Estrada
- Room by Elsa Valmidiano
- The Brooklyn Tolstoy by Doug Benerofe
- The Dog Who Solved a Murder Mystery: A True Story by Joel Jacobsen

- (Willamena, She Ain’t Trippin’….) by Tim Stiles
- Belize by Miranda Morgan
- Essay for My Son by Robert Schilling Schick
- Love Will Make You Naked by Jervey Tervalon
- Love, Dove by Eva Huang
- Norm, Alive and Well by Andrew Ramirez
- N.W.A: A Hard Act to Follow by Jonathan Gold
- Roadkill by Lainnie Capouya
- Son2Mother by Kevin Powell
- Street Trash: Poems by Celeste Gonzalez
- The Juggler by Cheryl Klein
- The Thing On Treufel’s Arm by Andrew Nicholls
- You Remember Everything That Happened by Tyra Lyn

- Aqua Girl by Yxta Maya Murray
- Blue Like Me: On Race And Depression by Erin Aubry Kaplan
- Crew by Aimee Bender
- Cross-border Vignettes: A Common Neuroscience by Jean Guerrero
- Crossings by Leonard Chang
- Dida’s Dad by Lisa Teasley
- For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn by Susan Straight
- Foshay In The Bad Days by Jervey Tervalon
- Gade Deye by Kia Penso
- Haiku IV: Poems by Benin Williams Lemus
- Just Surviving Another Day by Detrice Jones
- Man Bites Prawn: A Koreatown Seafood Adventure by Jonathan Gold
- Miss Chihuahua by Montserrat Fontes
- Miss Johnson Comes To Dinner by Pat Alderete
- Our Bibles by Bob Blaisdell
- Riot Baby by Daniel Voll
- Sportin’ Men by Gary Phillips
- The Butt by Erin Aubry Kaplan
- The Voice by Kia Penso
- Uncle Sonny by Andrew Ramirez